Will Amazon's automated checkout technology put thousands of supermarket cashiers out of work?

Chi tiết - Will Amazon's automated checkout technology put thousands of supermarket cashiers out of work?

7 11-2020

Will Amazon’s automated checkout technology put thousands of supermarket cashiers out of work?

Amazon plans to introduce automated checkout technology into major supermarkets to replace human cashiers, according to a newly revealed plan.

In a fierce competition to completely change the way people shop, Amazon’s move is certainly a milestone. But the automated checkout technology has also sparked controversy over Amazon’s efforts to eliminate supermarket cashiers and put thousands of people out of work.

Planning documents for a supermarket under construction in Brookfield, Connecticut, show Amazon’s ambitions. The planning documents show that the supermarket under construction has 12 entrances, each with a ceiling mount for a camera array, a feature only currently available at Amazon Go, the convenience store owned by Amazon.

Customers simply swipe their smartphones at the door to enter the supermarket to shop. Cameras, software algorithms and sensors on the supermarket shelves can track customer behavior in real time. When customers leave the supermarket from the designated gate, the system will automatically cut off the image data.

Source: Investo

It can be seen that Amazon seems to have solved a major technical challenge, by developing a system to check dozens of shoppers at the same time. This type of automatic checkout technology can fully meet the needs of large supermarkets, while the development and operating costs will not be too high. If this breakthrough is successful, Amazon will leave its competitors far behind.

Many of Amazon’s competitors are also testing similar camera-based technologies developed by startups. Executives from these companies have acknowledged that it could be a year or two before they can deploy automated checkout systems in large supermarkets.

Supermarket cashiers are among the most common jobs in the US. But promoting automated checkout technology could draw criticism, with accusations that Amazon is trying to eliminate the jobs of supermarket cashiers. According to Amazon, this Just Walk Out technology is intended to facilitate shoppers, rather than intentionally reduce labor costs.

Building permits and related reports show that, after the first Amazon Fresh supermarket in Southern California, Amazon has opened 12 supermarkets and has 37 Amazon Fresh supermarkets under construction in the US. However, except for Amazon Fresh in the Chicago suburbs and the Amazon Go convenience store chain, the remaining supermarkets have not yet applied automated checkout systems.

Amazon has worked to simplify the Just Walk Out system
Source: Tamebay

Instead, Amazon has developed the Dash smart shopping cart. As shoppers move between shelves, sensors and cameras record the purchased items. This type of shopping cart technology cannot achieve the seamless shopping experience of Amazon Go, and shoppers can only use traditional carts to bring their goods to the parking lot.

For years, Amazon has worked to simplify the Just Walk Out system to make it more cost-effective, while also attracting other companies that can use this technology. Even if it only opens a small convenience store, Amazon requires engineers to develop automated checkout technology suitable for a supermarket larger than 3,000 square meters.

The supermarket under construction in Connecticut will be about 3,000 square meters, including warehouses, office space, and a temporary storage area for online orders. The shopping area needs to be covered by cameras covering an area of ​​about 2,000 square meters. This is three times larger than supermarkets using Just Walk Out technology today, so an automated checkout solution could solve Amazon’s manpower problem.

Last year, Amazon launched a recognition system that allows shoppers to “wave” to pay. The system, called Amazon One, has been deployed in convenience stores, bookstores, and more in the Seattle area, and is planning to continue expanding to other locations.


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